jim’s Painting
All information on the Jim’s Painting Pty Ltd website is provided as a convenience to you.
This website provides general information regarding ‘Jim’s Painting’. While we have taken care to ensure the accuracy of information at the time of production we will not be liable (whether in tort, contract or otherwise) for any loss suffered as a result of relying on this information. The photos/sketches are for illustration purposes only.
We recommend that prospective purchasers inspect homes and, together with their advisers, make their own enquiries with relevant authorities prior to purchase.
All Information displayed on the website is current at the time of issue, but may change at any time and is subject to availability.
Information on the Website must not be used for any commercial purpose without the consent of Jim’s Painting Pty Ltd.
© 2015 Jim’s Painting Pty Ltd
Jim’s Painting Pty Ltd reserves the right to take whatever legal action it deems necessary to protect the security of this site and the intellectual property rights of the information provided by Jim’s Painting Pty Ltd. Such action may include, but is not limited to action for breach of the Copyright Act 1968 – Act no 63 of 1968, Trade Marks Act 1995 – Act No 119 of 1995, Trade Practices Act 1974 – Act No 51 of 1974 and Privacy Legislation, breach of contract and any obligation of confidentiality. In particular any unauthorised use of this information has the potential to misrepresent in a misleading fashion the involvement of Jim’s Painting and its authorised agencies in the reproduction. Any such misuse will be prosecuted